11.5.2 Cross Match legacy fingerprint integration end of support
MyID previously supported Cross Match Verifier and Guardian fingerprint readers using the Cross Match software development kit, which was obtained from Cross Match directly by the customer.
This is now End Of Support with MyID for the following reasons:
The required software is no longer available or supported by the device vendor.
No 64-bit server support is available.
The integration could be used only on Windows 7 clients, which are no longer supported by MyID.
This affects usage of the following devices:
Cross Match LScan Guardian fingerprint readers.
As of version 11.8, a new device-independent system, using the Aware Fingerprint Capture module, and supported in the MyID Operator Client, has superseded the previous implementation.
For information on the Aware Fingerprint Capture module, contact your account manager.
Cross Match Verifier 300 and 310 fingerprint readers.
Currently, no direct replacement integration is available. If you use these fingerprint readers, contact Intercede for further details, quoting SUP-338.